How Does AI Work?

How Does AI Work?

The process of getting from raw data to automated decision making.

Now that we have an understanding of what Artificial Intelligence is, it’s time to take a closer look at how it all comes together to actually work. In Chapter 1, we explored AI’s capabilities, types, and applications. But what’s behind the magic? How do these machines learn, make decisions, and improve themselves over time?

In this chapter, we will build upon the foundational concepts introduced earlier, diving into the inner workings of AI systems. We’ll explore how AI uses data to learn, the different types of algorithms that power its decision-making abilities, and the mechanisms that allow AI to adapt and grow smarter with each interaction. We’ll also look at the concept of neural networks and how they serve as the backbone for many AI applications, especially in deep learning. By understanding these core components, we can gain a clearer picture of what makes AI function and how it continues to evolve.

AI Starts With The Data

Data is the lifeblood of AI. In order to make intelligent decisions, AI systems need large amounts of data to learn from. This data can be anything from images, videos, text, or even real-time sensor information. The more data an AI has access to, the better it can identify patterns and make accurate predictions. Data is what fuels the learning process and allows AI systems to mimic human-like decision-making.

Data Collection and Preparation

The process starts with collecting data. Whether it’s user behavior on a website, medical records, or sensor readings from a self-driving car, data comes in many forms. Data collection is the foundation that allows AI systems to gain the information needed to learn and make decisions.

Once collected, this data must be cleaned and prepared—removing any inconsistencies, errors, or outliers—so that it’s ready for the learning process. Data preparation is a critical step because the quality of the data directly impacts the performance of the AI model. High-quality data leads to more accurate predictions and better outcomes.

This preparation involves steps like data cleansing, where errors or irrelevant information are removed, normalization, which ensures data is scaled consistently, and sometimes data augmentation to add diversity and enhance the training dataset. By ensuring the AI learns from reliable and representative information, data preparation sets the stage for successful model training and deployment.

Training AI Models

Teaching computers how to take raw data and perform an action with that data.

Once the data is ready, it’s time to train the AI model. Training involves feeding data into algorithms that enable the model to learn patterns, relationships, and behaviors present in the data. During training, the model makes predictions and continuously compares these predictions to the actual outcomes, adjusting its internal parameters to minimize errors and enhance its accuracy.

This phase is highly iterative, meaning the model goes through numerous cycles of predictions, corrections, and refinements until it reaches an acceptable level of accuracy. For example, consider a machine learning model that is being trained to recognize handwritten digits. Initially, the model might incorrectly identify certain numbers, but after each iteration, it adjusts its internal parameters based on the errors it made. Over time, the model becomes better at recognizing the digits, even if the handwriting varies significantly. The iterative nature of training helps the model improve incrementally, ensuring it can generalize well to new, unseen data.

Depending on the model’s complexity and the volume of data, this training process can require substantial computational power and significant time investment. Advanced hardware, such as GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) or TPUs (Tensor Processing Units), are often used to accelerate the training process, especially for deep learning models that involve extensive computations.

Algorithms and Learning Techniques

The algorithms are then used in this process to train AI. They are at the core of how it works. Machine learning algorithms, such as supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, each have their own way of approaching data to extract knowledge. Deep learning, which uses complex neural networks, allows AI to perform more sophisticated tasks like image and speech recognition.

  • Supervised Learning: Involves training the model on labeled data, where the correct output is known. The model learns to associate input data with the correct output by analyzing a set of examples. This method is effective for tasks like classification and regression, where the model needs to predict specific outcomes. For example, supervised learning is best used in scenarios like predicting whether an email is spam or not, diagnosing diseases from medical images, or recognizing objects in photos. These tasks require the model to have clearly defined labels to learn from, ensuring it can make accurate predictions based on past data.
  • Unsupervised Learning: The model finds patterns and relationships in data without explicit instructions. It is used to uncover hidden structures or groupings within data, such as clustering customers based on purchasing behavior. For example, unsupervised learning is best used when a company wants to segment customers based on their buying habits without prior knowledge of specific groups. Unsupervised learning is particularly useful when there is no predefined outcome, and the goal is to explore the data.
  • Reinforcement Learning: The model learns by interacting with an environment and receiving rewards or penalties based on its actions. This type of learning is similar to how humans learn through trial and error. For example, when you are out walking about you see a pothole and decide to keep walking. The pothole causes you to lose your balance when you walk into it. This is a negative effect and would be considered a penalty. As you keep on walking you see another pothole. This time you decide to sidestep it and keep walking. Being able to keep walking without any hindrance from the pothole is a reward. You have learned from this process and now know to sidestep potholes as you walk. This example shows you how penalties and rewards are beneficial in learning, both for humans and for computers.  Reinforcement Learning is often used in scenarios where decision-making is complex, such as training robots to navigate obstacles or teaching an AI to play games.

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

As learning becomes more complex, neural networks are needed. Deep learning relies on neural networks, which are designed to mimic the way the human brain works. These networks are made up of layers of interconnected nodes (neurons) that process data in multiple stages, extracting features and identifying patterns at each level. The deeper the network, the more complex the features it can learn.

Neural networks are particularly powerful for handling tasks like image recognition, natural language processing, and playing complex games. By using multiple layers of neurons, AI systems can make sense of intricate data and provide accurate outputs. For example, in image recognition, the initial layers might focus on identifying basic shapes and edges, while deeper layers recognize more detailed features like textures and specific objects.

The success of deep learning is largely attributed to the ability of neural networks to automatically extract features from raw data, without requiring manual intervention. This makes them well-suited for tasks involving large, complex datasets where traditional algorithms may struggle.

From Learning to Decision-Making

From Learning

to Decision Making

Getting from the Process of learning from Raw data, to being able to make a decision with the programing that has been created.

Once an AI model is trained, it moves from learning to decision-making. When presented with new data, the AI uses what it has learned to make predictions or decisions. For instance, a self-driving car uses data from its sensors to decide when to stop, accelerate, or turn. This decision-making process is what makes AI truly intelligent—its ability to use past experiences (learned data) to navigate new situations.

AI decision-making involves evaluating the input data against the model’s learned patterns and selecting the best possible action based on predefined goals. For example, a recommendation system on a streaming platform evaluates a user’s viewing history to suggest new shows or movies based on learned preferences.

The process is similar to how humans make decisions by drawing on past knowledge and experience, but AI does it at a much faster rate and with greater precision. This ability to evaluate vast amounts of data and make optimized decisions is what makes AI highly effective in diverse applications, from recommending products to managing complex logistics in real time.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

AI doesn’t stop learning once it’s trained. In fact, many AI systems continue to learn and adapt even after deployment. This process, known as continuous learning, allows AI to refine its knowledge and improve its performance over time. For example, a virtual assistant like Alexa gets better at understanding your voice the more you interact with it.

Continuous learning is achieved through mechanisms like online learning, where the model continuously updates its parameters as new data becomes available. For instance, an AI system used in financial markets may keep updating its model as it receives new economic indicators and stock price information, allowing it to provide more accurate predictions and insights over time.

This kind of adaptive learning ensures that AI remains relevant and effective, even as the data and environments evolve. By continually adapting, AI can respond more effectively to changing environments and enhance its capacity to serve users, providing increasingly optimized solutions as time goes on.


Understanding how AI works gives us a glimpse into the incredible complexity and potential of these systems. From the data that powers AI to the learning algorithms and neural networks that enable it to make intelligent decisions, AI is a blend of sophisticated technologies working together seamlessly. This chapter has shown that at the heart of AI is the ability to learn from data, adapt, and make informed decisions.

In the next chapter, we’ll explore the different types of AI, from Narrow AI that excels at specific tasks to the ambitious goals of General AI. Let’s continue this journey to understand how different AI systems fit into our everyday lives and the broader technological landscape. Each type of AI brings unique capabilities and challenges, and understanding these distinctions will deepen our appreciation of how AI continues to shape our world.