Types Of AI

Types of Artificial Intelegence

Empowering you with practical AI solutions for everyday life.

Now that we have looked at how AI works, it is time to look at the different types of AI. Artificial Intelligence comes in different shapes and forms, each uniquely capable of transforming our daily experiences. But not all AI is created equal—some are narrowly focused on specific tasks, while others aim to replicate or surpass human-level intelligence across a broad spectrum.

In this page, we’ll dive deep into the types of AI, from the highly specialized to the sci-fi-like superintelligent systems that captivate our imaginations. We will start with the types that are currently available, and work our way to the future of AI.

Types of AI: The Big Picture

Understanding the different types of AI helps us appreciate their capavilities, limitations, and the potential they have to reshape our world. Let’s explore six primary types.

Reactive AI

What is Reactive AI?: “Reactive AI systems respond to specific inputs without memory or learning capabilities. These systems are designed to perform a particular task, reacting based on pre-programmed rules. They do not have the ability to store past experiences for future use, making them limited to what they have been explicitly designed to do.

“Example: “A basic chess program is a good example of Reactive AI. It can make decisions based on the current state of the chessboard but lacks memory of previous games or the ability to improve its strategy over time.”

Limited Memory AI

What is Limited Memory AI?: “Limited Memory AI systems learn from past data to improve future predictions or decisions. These systems can use historical information to make informed decisions, allowing them to adapt and refine their behavior over time. This ability to learn from past experiences makes Limited Memory AI more sophisticated than Reactive AI, as it enables these systems to handle complex tasks by utilizing previously gathered information.

“Example: “Self-driving cars are a type of Limited Memory AI. They use data from sensors and cameras to understand the road conditions, detect obstacles, and make driving decisions. By learning from past data, such as other vehicles’ speeds and the position of pedestrians, these systems can make real-time adjustments to ensure safe navigation. Most AI applications today, like image recognition or language processing models, also rely on this form of learning to enhance their accuracy and performance.”

Theory of Mind AI

Theory of Mind AI is a theoretical concept that involves understanding emotions, beliefs, and thoughts of others. This type of AI would be capable of interpreting human intentions, emotions, and social cues, making interactions more nuanced and personalized. It represents an important step towards creating AI that can interact with humans on an emotional level, understanding the complexities of social relationships.

Self Aware AI

Self-Aware AI represents the most advanced form of AI, possessing consciousness and self-awareness, capable of independent thought. This type of AI would not only understand human emotions but also have its own emotions, desires, and beliefs, similar to human beings. It would be able to reflect on its actions, make decisions autonomously, and potentially even exhibit a sense of identity.

Narrow AI (Weak AI)

Narrow AI is the form of AI most of us are already familiar with. It’s highly specialized and built to perform one particular task extremely well—whether it’s recommending your next Netflix show or answering your queries through a virtual assistant like Siri. Narrow AI can’t understand or learn outside of its designated tasks, but it excels at what it’s trained to do.

“Key Takeaway: “Narrow AI is the kind we live with today. It’s efficient but limited in scope. It’s designed to do a specific job and do it well, but it won’t surpass the boundaries of that role.”

Pros vs. Cons:

Pros: Efficient, reliable, widely implemented.

Cons: Limited scope, unable to generalize beyond its programming.

General AI (Strong AI)

“General AI, also known as Strong AI, is the kind of artificial intelligence that we dream of in sci-fi—a system that can perform any intellectual task that a human can do. Imagine an AI that can understand context, think abstractly, and adapt to solve new problems that weren’t specifically defined in its training data.

General AI would have the ability to learn from experience, much like a human, applying its knowledge in flexible, meaningful ways.”Example: “While full General AI has not yet been achieved, it is the JARVIS goal that I am personally working towards. General AI will allow people to create personal assistants that can act independently from their programming.

Superintelligent AI

What is Superintelligent AI?: “Superintelligent AI goes beyond replicating human capabilities—it far surpasses them. The concept of Superintelligent AI refers to machines that will be smarter than humans in every aspect, potentially creating outcomes that are unforeseeable and uncontrollable. Superintelligent AI remains the stuff of speculative fiction, but it’s a possibility that many thinkers take seriously.”

Example: “Imagine a machine so advanced that it could solve the world’s most complex issues—like eradicating diseases or reversing climate change—in ways that exceed the comprehension of human experts.”


The journey from Narrow AI to Superintelligent AI is marked by both incredible opportunities and substantial challenges. Understanding these different types helps us envision both the current impact of AI and its future possibilities.